According to the water content of the concrete transported by the automatic concrete mixer, there are three kinds of mixing trucks: wet material type, dry material type and semi mixer type. Do you know the operation steps of automatic concrete mixer? Today, Zhongke Jufeng will take you to know:
一、 啟動(dòng)前應對機械系統各部位認真進(jìn)行檢查,確認良好后方可啟動(dòng)。
1、 Before starting, all parts of the mechanical system should be carefully checked, and the machine can be started only after it is confirmed to be good.
二、 啟動(dòng)前,應將攪拌操縱桿放在“空檔”位置。
2、 Before starting, the mixing control lever should be placed in the "neutral" position.
三、 啟動(dòng)后,應將攪拌操縱桿放在“卸料”位置,放去筒內積水。
3、 After start-up, the mixing control rod should be placed in the "unloading" position to drain the water in the cylinder.
四、 裝料時(shí),攪拌操作桿應放在“裝料”位置。
4、 When loading, the mixing lever should be placed in the "loading" position.
五、 運輸前,卸料槽必須固定在“行駛”位置,防止擺動(dòng)。
5、 Before transportation, the discharge chute must be fixed in the "running" position to prevent swing.
六、 操作操縱桿時(shí),應在“空檔”位置稍作停留后方可動(dòng)下一個(gè)位置。
6、 When operating the control lever, it should be in the "neutral" position for a while before moving to the next position.
七、 搞好文明施工,桶內多余材料不準隨便亂倒。卸料后必須對攪拌筒、料槽、托輥等部位進(jìn)行清洗。
7、 Do a good job in civilized construction, and do not pour the surplus materials in the barrel randomly. After unloading, the mixing drum, material trough, idler and other parts must be cleaned.
八、 人進(jìn)入筒內砼結塊時(shí),應將車(chē)輛熄火,拔下電門(mén)鑰匙,筒外設人監護。
8、 When a person enters the cylinder to remove the concrete caking, the vehicle shall be turned off, the switch key shall be removed, and a person shall be assigned outside the cylinder for supervision.
攪拌車(chē)是一種特殊車(chē)輛,并不是所有會(huì )開(kāi)車(chē)的司機都會(huì )開(kāi)攪拌車(chē),如果操作不當會(huì )引起翻車(chē)、液壓泵、馬達、減速機過(guò)快磨損甚出現嚴重后果。
Mixer is a special kind of vehicle. Not all drivers who can drive can drive the mixer. If not operated properly, it will cause rollover, excessive wear of hydraulic pump, motor and reducer, and even serious consequences.
1. Before starting the mixer truck, put the mixing drum operation handle at the "stop" position.
2. After the mixer starts the engine, make the mixing drum rotate at low speed for about 10 minutes, and make the hydraulic oil temperature rise to above 20 ℃ before working.
3. When the mixer truck is parked in the open air, the mixing drum should be reversed before loading to discharge water and debris, so as to ensure the quality of concrete.
4. When the mixer truck is transporting concrete, it is necessary to ensure that the sliding bucket is placed firmly, so as to prevent swinging due to looseness, which may injure pedestrians or affect the normal operation of other vehicles.
5. 攪拌車(chē)裝運攪拌好的 混凝土時(shí),攪拌筒轉速為2-10轉/分,在運輸過(guò)程中,平坦路面上攪拌筒轉速保證在2-3轉/分,行駛在側傾坡度大于50的路面,或左右晃動(dòng)較大的路面時(shí),應停止攪拌旋轉,待路況好轉后再恢復攪拌旋轉。
5. When the mixer truck transports the mixed concrete, the speed of the mixing drum is 2-10 rpm. In the process of transportation, the rotation speed of the mixing drum should be kept at 2-3 rpm on the flat road surface. When driving on the road with a roll slope greater than 50, or the road with large left and right shaking, the mixing rotation should be stopped and the mixing rotation can be resumed after the road conditions are improved.
6. 混凝土攪拌車(chē)運送混凝土的時(shí)間不能超過(guò)攪拌站規定的時(shí)間。運送混凝土途中,攪拌筒不得長(cháng)時(shí)間停轉,以防混凝土產(chǎn)生離析現象。司機應時(shí)常觀(guān)察混凝土情況,發(fā)現異常及時(shí)通報調度室,申請做出處理。
6. The time of concrete mixer truck transporting concrete shall not exceed the time specified by mixing station. During the transportation of concrete, the mixing drum shall not stop for a long time to prevent the concrete from segregation. The driver shall observe the concrete condition from time to time, report to the control room in case of any abnormality, and apply for handling.
7. 攪拌車(chē)車(chē)內裝有混凝土時(shí),在現場(chǎng)停滯時(shí)間不得超過(guò)1小時(shí),如超時(shí)應立即要求現場(chǎng)負責人給予及時(shí)處理。
7. When the mixer truck is filled with concrete, the stagnation time on the site shall not exceed 1 hour. If it exceeds the time limit, the person in charge of the site shall be required to deal with it in time.
8. 攪拌車(chē)運送混凝土塌落度不得低于8cm。從混凝土入罐到排出,氣溫高時(shí)不得超過(guò)2小時(shí)必須排出,陰雨天氣溫度低時(shí),不得超過(guò)2.5小時(shí)。
8. The slump of concrete transported by mixer truck shall not be less than 8cm. From the concrete entering into the tank to discharging, it shall not exceed 2 hours when the temperature is high, and it shall not exceed 2.5 hours when the temperature is low in rainy days.
9. 攪拌車(chē)在排出混凝土之前,應使攪拌筒在10-12轉/分的轉速下轉動(dòng)1分鐘,再進(jìn)行排料。
9. Before discharging the concrete, the mixing drum should be rotated at the speed of 10-12 rpm for 1 minute before discharging.
The above is ShanDong Shanqi editor to introduce the operation steps of automatic concrete mixer. If you have any other questions, please click the following link: http://www.bosplumbing.com Come to consult.