混凝土自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)在使用一段時(shí)間后,我們經(jīng)常會(huì )遇到進(jìn)料口堵塞的情況,今天我們就來(lái)教大家遇到進(jìn)料口堵塞的情況該怎么處理呢?
After using the automatic concrete loading mixer for a period of time, we often encounter the blockage of the feed inlet. Today we will teach you how to deal with the blockage of the feed inlet?
1. Clean the concrete storage tank and around the material inlet and outlet at the end of each day. The cleaning points of the automatic feeding mixer shall ensure that there is no cement and concrete caking;

2. Wash the feed port with water before each loading to keep the feed port wet during loading;
3. Fill the cleaning water tank with water while loading;
Automatic concrete loading mixer
4. After loading, wash the inlet and clean the residual concrete near the inlet;
5.到工地卸料后,沖洗出料槽,然后向混凝土貯罐內加清洗用水30—40 L;在車(chē)輛回程時(shí)保持混凝土貯罐正向慢速轉動(dòng);
5. After unloading at the construction site, wash the discharge tank, and then add 30-40 l of cleaning water to the concrete storage tank; Keep the concrete storage tank rotating forward and slowly when the vehicle returns;
6. Remember to drain the sewage in the concrete storage tank before the next loading.
Whether the feeding amount at the inlet of the mixer is reasonable: the correct way is that the materials form a certain gas-solid mixing ratio between the suction port and the air, and flow evenly into the feeder under the promotion of the air flow. At this time, we need to design the material gun with air replenishment function. If the material backlog is too long, it may be hard. At this time, an oscillator needs to be installed on the material gun to break the caked materials.