Automatic feeding mixer is of great help to our construction industry, because most of the current construction period stresses efficiency and cost performance, and the equipment such as automatic feeding mixer really takes both into account. Today, we will tell you about the preparation work before starting the automatic feeding mixer.
1、 仔細的閱讀自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)相關(guān)使用說(shuō)明材料,熟悉所駕駛車(chē)輛的使用還有保養狀況;
1. Read the relevant instructions of the automatic feeding mixer carefully, and be familiar with the use and maintenance of the vehicle;
2、 詳細的了解施工現場(chǎng)的任務(wù)情況,檢查一下自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)停機處土壤堅實(shí)性和平穩性。在挖掘基坑、溝槽的時(shí)侯,檢查路塹海域哦溝槽邊坡穩定性;
2. Understand the task of the construction site in detail, check the soil firmness and stability at the stop of the automatic feeding mixer. When excavating the foundation pit and trench, check the slope stability of the trench;
3、 嚴禁任何人員在作業(yè)區里面停留,工作場(chǎng)地應該便于自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)出入;
3. No one is allowed to stay in the working area, and the working site should be easy for the automatic feeding mixer to enter and exit;
4、 檢查自動(dòng)上料攪拌車(chē)液壓系統、發(fā)動(dòng)機、傳動(dòng)裝置、制動(dòng)裝置、回轉裝置以及儀器、儀表,在經(jīng)試運轉并確認正常后才可以工作。
4. Check the hydraulic system, engine, transmission device, braking device, rotary device, instruments and meters of the automatic feeding mixer. It can work only after it is tested and confirmed to be normal.