很多企業(yè)在進(jìn)行施工過(guò)程中,為了提高自身的利益,持續效率高的進(jìn)行工作,如果設備因為故障而導致維修的話(huà)則會(huì )增加很多成本。而通常在操作使用
Many enterprises in the construction process, in order to improve their own interests, continuous and efficient work, if the equipment due to failure and maintenance, it will increase a lot of costs. And usually in the operation of the use of automatic mixer in the process of parts wear is more common, so in use we should do this to avoid the occurrence of this situation?
1. Maintain the rated load of the automatic mixer
像這類(lèi)的工程機械設備的載荷性質(zhì)以及大小對設備零件的損耗都是有著(zhù)重要影響的,一般機械零件的磨損都是會(huì )隨著(zhù)負荷的增加而增加的,當零件所承受的載荷高于設計的工作載荷時(shí),其部件磨損將會(huì )不斷加劇。
The load nature and size of such construction machinery equipment have an important impact on the loss of equipment parts. Generally, the wear of mechanical parts will increase with the increase of load. When the load of parts is higher than the designed working load, the wear of parts will continue to increase.
2. Clean in time to reduce the impact of mechanical impurities on the equipment
機械雜質(zhì)一般指的是灰塵、泥土等物質(zhì)和工程機械在使用過(guò)程中自身產(chǎn)生的一些金屬屑、油垢等。這些雜質(zhì)一旦到達機械的工作表面之間,其危害是很大的:不但使摩擦力增大,油耗升高。而且會(huì )破壞潤滑油膜,擦傷配合表面。
Mechanical impurities generally refer to dust, soil and other substances, as well as some metal scraps and oil dirt produced by construction machinery in the process of use. Once these impurities reach the working surface of the machine, the harm is great: not only the friction increases, but also the fuel consumption increases. It will also damage the lubricating oil film and scratch the mating surface.

3. Prevention of parts corrosion of automatic feeding mixer
腐蝕作用在零件上,有時(shí)不易被發(fā)現,容易被人忽視,危害性更大。雨水、空氣中的化學(xué)物質(zhì)等通過(guò)機械零部件的管道、縫隙等滲入機械,腐蝕零件。被腐蝕的零件繼續工作也會(huì )使機械加速磨損,增加機械故障。這就要求管理者和操作人員要根據當時(shí)當地的天氣情況、工地現場(chǎng)情況,采取合理的施工安排,盡可能減小化學(xué)腐蝕對機械零件的危害。
Corrosion on the parts, sometimes not easy to be found, easy to be ignored, more harmful. The chemical substances in the rain and air penetrate into the machinery through the pipes and crevices of the mechanical parts and corrode the parts. If the corroded parts continue to work, the mechanical wear will be accelerated and the mechanical failure will be increased. This requires managers and operators to take reasonable construction arrangements according to the local weather conditions and site conditions at that time, so as to minimize the harm of chemical corrosion to mechanical parts.
4. Keep the reasonable temperature of the parts of the automatic mixer
在工作中,各個(gè)零部件的溫度都有各自的正常范圍。溫度過(guò)高過(guò)低會(huì )影響零件的強度,所以需要配合冷卻液和潤滑油控制部分零件的溫度,使他們工作在合理溫度范圍。
In the work, the temperature of each part has its own normal range. Too high or too low temperature will affect the strength of parts, so it is necessary to control the temperature of some parts with coolant and lubricating oil to make them work in a reasonable temperature range.
Many mechanical equipment in the beginning of the failure is caused by wear parts, automatic mixer in the operation process of nature is the same. Therefore, reducing the wear of equipment parts in the process of use can effectively avoid the failure of mechanical equipment in the process of use.